Accredited Dietitians may practice in diverse areas such as food production, food safety, food systems management, public health, community nutrition, information and communication technology, or research.
Healthcare | Accredited Dietitians may provide services and/or work in hospitals, clinics community / rehabilitation centers, long-term and post-acute or assisted-living facilities. Services and activities include nutrition education, MNT, counseling, discharge planning, care coordination, prevention and nutrition management of diseases and medical conditions. |
Business & Nutrition Informatics | Accredited Dietitians possess the skill for effective retrieval and use of nutrition-related information for problem solving and decision making in business and nutrition-information technology. Accredited Dietitians may be employed as consultants, managers, designers and official bearers for the participation, management and direction of nutrition-related business. This includes the media industry, culinary and retail, corporate or agribusiness; through in-person or via telehealth nutrition practices, such as nutrient analysis, menu/recipes design, journal writing, etc. |
Health and Wellness | Accredited Dietitians possess the knowledge and counseling skills needed to empower individuals or groups to implement lifestyle and behavior changes to achieve and maintain wellness. They may work as health and wellness coaches in health-care/fitness facilities. |
Community & Public Health | Accredited Dietitians are able to monitor, educate, advice and advocate on nutrition-related population health/programs/issues. They may act as leaders, educators, consultants and researchers, in various organizations and schools. |
Entrepreneurial & Private Practice | Accredited Dietitians may work in private practice as entrepreneurs and innovators for the provision of nutrition products / services. They may act as professional speakers, consultants, spokespersons, writers, journalist, chefs, wellness coaches etc. for profit- or non-profit organizations and businesses. |
Food Service | Accredited Dietitians may manage and direct foodservice operations in health care and other settings. |
Research & Universities | Accredited Dietitians are able to interpret, apply and instruct research findings related to food technology, nutrition science and dietetic practice. They may be employed in general and clinical research, in academic / commercial / non-profit organizations. Accredited Dietitians' work and responsibilities may include the application / management of grants / nutrition-related research, teaching, the developments of policy and recommendations. |
School Nutrition | Accredited Dietitians may be employed in profit / non-profit organizations, including catering / food service companies, to act as educators, operators, managers, or consultants. They promote, implement, interpret and manage school nutrition programmes based on updated and relevant dietary guidelines. |
Sports Nutrition | Accredited Dietitians are able to promote / guide optimal physical performance through nutrition intervention, the prevention and management of nutrition-related sport injury, and the management of food provision for the active. They may be employed as consultants / coaches for individual / group athletes, including sports institute, school / college / professional / private sport organization, military and rehabilitation centers. |
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